Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Celebrity Beauty Tips!

Today’s Beauty Secret:  Ko hyun jung, a Korean actress, famous actress for not only her acting ability but also her very youthful skin. She spends more than 15 minutes a day cleansing her face in order to keep her skin radiant and fresh.
Actually she is in her forties, but her skin is so youthful many believe she is in her 20’s!
Here is her washing secret:

First,  Wash your hands carefully to remove bacteria and dirt that may irritant the skin.
Second, Before using your favorite cleanser, wash your face from the forehead, to the ears and the chin.
Third: Apply your cleanser while your skin is still moist and warm from the previous step. Message the product into the skin while paying close attention to your nose cheeks, and delicate eye area.
This step alone may take about 5-10 minutes.
Fourth: Rinse your face with cool water and continue to massage. Follow with your favorite toner and moisturizer.

3LAB Recommends: Perfect Cleansing Scrub, Perfect Beautifying Toner, Perfect Cleansing Foam and The Wild Mountain Ginseng Collection. Visit www.3LAB.com for more information.

Enjoy these beautiful autumn days and with these simple steps you are sure to have beautiful ,youthful skin. Don’t forget to cleanse daily especially before bed.

If you have any special ways to cleanse your face, please share it with comment! We love to hear from you
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